
Wild Pig Syndrome

The Wild Pig Syndrome (also known as Wild Man Syndrome) is a so-called culture bound syndrome mostly found in New Guinea. It is known in various languages of New Guinea as guria, longlong or lulu. This syndrome got its name from the occurrence of domesticated pigs going through a temporary state in which the pig will run wild.
Symptoms include hyperactiveness, clumsiness, kleptomania and the patient becoming conveniently amnesic. An individual suffering from Wild Pig Syndrome also seems to have selective hearing; they do not hear much of what is going on around them unless it is concerned with specific objects of interest.

While the tribesmen insist that the ‘illness’ is transmitted by the malevolent and destructive ghosts of recently deceased tribe members, it is much more likely that the Wild Pig Syndrome must be regarded as a socially constructed disorder. Some researchers have indicated that Wild Pig Syndrome typically occurs when a man can not meet his financial or social obligations[1] so some critics regard this syndrome as a flight or a scapegoat from the stress of reality, as creditors will be more considerate with an individual that has had a Wild Pig Syndrome attack.

Wild pig syndrome is limited by age and sex. It only occurs in males and only men who are 25 to 35 years of age.

[1] Amélie Oksenberg Rorty (Ed): Explaining Emotions - 1980

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