
Stuttered Speech Syndrome

The word ‘stuttering’ can denote several problems: dysfluent speech, a speech syndrome and the symptoms of a speech disorder. Because this is confusing, a new definition, classification and diagnostic term have recently been proposed: Stuttered Speech Syndrome.
Stuttering is generally not a problem with the physical production of speech sounds or putting thoughts into words. Stuttered Speech Syndrome is described[1] as stuttering plus negative emotional reactions and social anxiety disorder.

Acute nervousness and stress do not cause stuttering but they can trigger stuttering in people who have the speech disorder. Living with a highly stigmatized disability can result in anxiety, chronic nervousness and stress. This can surely exacerbate the problem.

Neither acute nor chronic stress, however, itself creates any predisposition to stuttering.

[1] Irwin: Terminology – How should stuttering be defined? And why? in Research, Treatment, and Self-Help in Fluency Disorders: New Horizons - 2006

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