
Sweaty Conditions

Eccrine glands are the major sweat glands of the human body, found in virtually all skin, with the highest density in palms and soles, then on the head, but much less on the trunk and the extremities.

Apocrine glands are found in the armpit, around the nipples, perineum (between the anus and genitals), in the ear and in the eyelids.

Anhidrosis[an: without + hidros: sweat] Characterized by an absence of perspiration.

Bromhidrosis[bromos: stench + hidros: sweat] Characterized by abnormal or offensive body odour, to a large extent determined by apocrine gland secretion. The condition is further aggravated by poor hygiene or underlying disorders promoting bacterial overgrowth, including diabetes and obesity.
- Podobromhidrosis - A malodorous and offensive perspiration of the feet, 'stinking' feet.

Chromhidrosis[chrōma: colour + hidros: sweat] A rare dermatologic disorder characterized by secretion of coloured sweat. Patients with red, blue, yellow, green, pink and even black sweat have been reported.
- Eccrine Chromhidrosis - Occurs after ingestion of certain dyes or drugs. 
- Pseudo Chromhidrosis - Occurs when clear eccrine sweat becomes colored on the surface of the skin as a result of extrinsic dyes, paints or chromogenic bacteria.
Cyanhidrosis [kyanos: dark blue + hidros: sweat] - Characterized by bluish perspiration.

Dyshidrosis - [dus: bad + hidros: sweat] Dyshidrosis is a misnomer, because it has virtually nothing to do with sweat. Is a type of dermatitis, characterized by little itchy blisters on the palms of the hands and bottoms of the feet. The cause is unknown. Triggers may include allergens, physical or mental stress and frequent hand washing.  
Ephidrosis - [epi: over + hidros: sweat] Localized hyperhidrosis. The profuse sweating is limited to one area of the body. Sweating is normal in all other areas.

Hematohidrosis - [haima: blood + hidros: sweat] A very rare condition in which an individual sweats blood. It may occur in an individual who is suffering from extreme levels of stress[1].

Hemihidrosis - [hemi: half + hidros: sweat] Characterized by sweating of symmetrical areas of the torso[2].

Hyperhidrosis[huper: over + hidros: sweat] Characterized by increased sweat secretion.
- Acrohyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion of the hands and feet.
- Axillary Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion in your armpits.
- Cranofacial Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion on your face, head and scalp.
- Facial Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion on your scalp or face.
- Gluteal Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat on your backside, lower back or buttocks.
- Inguinal Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secreton in your groin.
- Maschalephidrosis - Obsolete term for increased sweat secretion in your armpits
- Nocturnal Hyperhydrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion at night.
- Palmar Hyperhidrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion on the palm of the hands.
- Plantar Hyperhydrosis - Characterized by increased sweat secretion of your feet.
- Truncal Hyperhidrosis- Characterized by increased sweat secretion of your torso.

Hypohydrosis - [hupo: under + hidros: sweat] Characterized by inadequate perspiration.

Ischidrosis - [ischein: to hold back + hidros: sweat] Characterized by the suppression of perspiration. Used as a synonym for anhidrosis.

Melanephidrosis - [melanos: black + hidros: sweat] Characterized by the excretion of black perspiration. A type of chromhidrosis.

Melanidrosis - An obsolete term for Melanephidrosis.

Menhidrosis [men: month + hidros: sweat] An obsolete term for vicarious menstruation via sweat glands at the time of menses. At least some cases of which may have been due to endometriosis.

Oligohidrosis - [oligos: little + hidros: sweat] Characterized by diminished perspiration. Synonym for both anhidrosis and hypohidrosis.

Panhidrosis, Panidrosis - [pan: all + hidros: sweat] Characterized by sweating all over your body.

Parhidrosis, Parahidrosis, Parihidrosis - [pará: abnormal + hidros: sweat] Synonyms for any kind of abnormal sweat

Phosphorhidrosis - [phōs: light, + phoros: bearing + hidrōsis: sweat] Characterized by the excretion of luminous sweat.

Polyhidrosis - An obsolete term for hyperhidrosis

Saccharephidrosis - [sakcharon: sugar + hidros: sweat] Characterized by the presence of sugar in sweat.

Urhidrosis - [ouron: urine + hidros: sweat] - Characterized by the presence of urinous materials, chiefly uric acid and urea, in sweat.

Urohidrosis - [ouron: urine + hidros: sweat] is the habit in some birds of defecating onto the scaly portions of the legs as a cooling mechanism, using evaporative cooling of the fluids. Several species of storks and New World vultures exhibit this behaviour. The term is also used to describe the analogous behaviour in seals that cool themselves while basking by urinating on their hind flippers.
[1] Biswas et al: A Curious Case of Sweating Blood in Indian Journal of Dermatology - 2013. See here.
[2] Tadaki et al: Hemihidrosis due to skin pressure with particular remarks on the intensity and area of the pressure stimuli in Japanese Journal of Physiology - 1981

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