
Full Moon Syndrome

The Full Moon Syndrome is also known as the Lunar Effect and refers to the belief that there must be some correlation between specific stages of the Earth's lunar cycle and erratic behaviour in animals, including humans, that cannot simply be explained by variation in light levels. But most scientists will not acknowledge the relation between moon and moods.

It is, for instance, widely believed that the moon has a relationship with fertility due to the corresponding human menstrual cycle, which also averages 28 days. However, no connection between lunar rhythms and menstrual onset has been conclusively shown to exist, and the similarity in length between the two cycles is most likely coincidental[1].
Others continue to believe that the full moon is closely linked with disturbed behavior of both humans and other animals. Researchers in Australia observed patients with a violent and acute behavioral disturbance. Their inescapable conclusion was that this violent and acute behavioral disturbance manifested more commonly during the full moon[2].

So, the science seems still divided on the subject but if you are working in a hospital as a doctor or nurse, or if you’re serving as a police officer on the streets, you must have experienced the effects of the full moon yourselves. A full moon brings out more madness in people and animals. Yet, that's only because people see each other better. With an overcast sky everything is more dark, people can hardly see one another and thus can't start an uncivilized argument.

And we haven't even mentioned the connection between a full moon and werewolves.[3]

[1] Ilias et al: Do lunar phases influence menstruation? A year-long retrospective study in Endocrine Regulations - 2013
[2] Calver et al: The dark side of the moon in The Medical Journal of Australia - 2009
[3] Goddemeier: Dogs, man-wolves and full moon in Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie - 2002 

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