Crocodile Tear Syndrome

When humans are showing crocodile tears they display false, insincere emotions. Think of it as a form of superficial or hypocritical sympathy.
The phrase derives from an ancient belief that crocodiles shed tears while consuming their prey, and as such is present in many modern languages, especially in Europe where it was introduced through Latin. While crocodiles do have tear ducts, they simply weep to lubricate their eyes, typically when they have been out of water for a long time and their eyes begin to dry out. However, some evidence suggests this could also be triggered by feeding.

There is also an almost discarded theory that the 'tears' come from crocodiles eyes when they just came out of the water and it looks like they have been crying, when in truth they have not.

But, in reference to the legend, Crocodile Tear Syndrome can in fact be a real syndrome.

Officially called Bogorad's Syndrome it is a condition which causes sufferers to shed tears while consuming food. It is a rare complication of facial paralysis. It's characterized by a flow of tears (lachrymation) on the same side of the palsy in connection with stimulation of salivation, for instance when eating. It is caused by a misdirection of the regenerating autonomic fibers to the lacrimal gland instead of to the salivary gland. It is therefore the result of 'faulthy wiring' during regeneration after paralisis.

The syndrome is named after the Russian neuropathologist F. A. Bogorad, who first described the condition in 1926.

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